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Editor's Update

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John Stott's Horrible Day in the Pulpit

How'd you like to lose a parent and your voice and then get up and preach? That's exactly what happened to John Stott, right before one of the biggest sermons of his life. He said, "I croaked the gospel like a raven." But to Stott's amazement, God used his weakness and frailty to lead many people to Christ. Ah, there is such hope for us as well! Check out Stott's story in this week's free illustration.

You'll also find six more sermon illustrations—ranging from current research on premarital sex, Tim Keller on greed, and rapper Lil Wayne on the Bible. There's also a new sermon by David Shelley on God's invitation to a life of "interactive blessing"—all based on God's covenant love found in the Ten Commandments.

This Wednesday many believers will start the Lenten season. At PreachingToday.com you'll find some excellent resources for the entire 40 day season starting with Ash Wednesday through Holy Week (including Good Friday and Easter Sunday).

May you experience God's power flowing through your weakness!
In Christ,

Matt Woodley
Managing Editor, PreachingToday.com

Matt Woodley is the pastor of compassion ministries at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.