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Sermons on Zeal

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Preaching on Zeal? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Free and Focused

From the editor

Bev Savage's sermon on Philippians 3 has a few "twists" here and there. We're used to focusing on the biblical mandate to remember; Savage ...

Press on toward the goal—knowing Christ.

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The Danger of a Strong Faith and a Weak Theology


Jessica Ann Liberger was a 5-week-old baby girl who made it into the nation's press. Jessica came down with pneumonia, and her father, John ...

God overlooks ignorance, but ignorance can do great damage.

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My Favorite Heroes: Nehemiah


The hero that we are going to look at today is a man named Nehemiah. I want to say just a couple of things as we get ready to walk into his ...

Five characteristics of Difference Makers in this world.

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Confronting Discipleship

In nearly every case, joining a church is a simple process. You walk the aisle, fill out a card, maybe answer a couple of questions, and you're in. ...

There is cost of discipleship, and those who wish to be holy must be willing to pay it.

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A Radical Lifestyle

Today we're beginning a new series called "Radical Christianity." We don't always think about it, but Christianity always has been, always will be, ...

In John the Baptist we see a prototype of the person God wants us to be.

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How to Love God More

A friend of mine was preparing to go to college and placed his application—after persistent urging from his parents—with a strict, fundamentalist ...

Christianity is a matter of loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

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The Right Ambition

Some time ago I was following a Volkswagen, and it had a bumper sticker that said, "When I grow up, I'd like to be a Cadillac." That's ambition. We're ...

When we are truly focused on Christ, our ambitions will be godly.

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