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Sermons on Pharisees

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Preaching on Pharisees? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Well, What Do You Know?
Well, What Do You Know?


"Well, what do you know?"

Knowledge plays a huge role in our Gospel reading today. The man born blind repeatedly admits, "I don't know." Where's ...

How has Jesus opened our eyes?

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Born Again?
Born Again?


One of the most familiar stories of Jesus, found at the opening of John 3, begins this way: "Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus ...

We become new creations through Christ.

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The Guest List


We're in part two of a series called The Heart of Christ, and I want to begin this week with a question: Do you remember the first Christian ...

Jesus came for those who are sick.

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The Eyes of a Doctor

From the editor:

Here's a sermon from Donald Sunukjian on what we ought to do when we encounter someone who has yet to know God. We've mentioned before ...

We must have the eyes of a doctor, not the eyes of a judge.

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The Right Way to Handle Church Conflict


I am by nature an idealist. I start almost everything in life by thinking about the best-case scenario. As a young man, I had a best-case ...

The church can disagree in a way that does not threaten its unity and integrity.

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Good Guys, Bad Guys, or Us Guys?
Good Guys, Bad Guys, or Us Guys?


Anybody here grow up in a legalistic, fundamentalist type of church? The emphasis in those kinds of churches is on keeping the rules, lots ...

Getting to know the Pharisees

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Knowing the Bible Comes Easier Than Living the Bible


When you get a love letter or Valentine's card, what do you do with it? (Besides hide it from the kids.) Usually you read it over and over ...

How to move beyond information and experience God's transformation

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Public Performance Is Easier than Private Devotion


If you are just joining us, this is the third week in a six-week series entitled "Adventures in Missing the Point." We have been learning ...

The power of authentic piety in a world that talks the talk

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Gratitude Gives Way to Resentment


I will never forget a meeting I had with unhappy parishioners a few years ago. We had made deliberate changes in our church in order to better ...

A lesson from the Prodigal's brother

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Tradition Becomes More Attractive than Truth


According to Merriam-Webster, tradition is "the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one ...

Why the church must fight against spiritual ruts

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Separation Can Lead to Isolation


Imagine a weird world where, before you can be admitted to a hospital, you have to have a clean bill of health. A world where doctors won't ...

Why the Pharisees liked bubbles, and why we should avoid them

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What to Do While Your Life Is Happening

People in California were going about their lives this week, and then the earthquake came. It just happened. Just as men went to work this week and were ...

We can't control everything that happens in life, but we can pour out gratitude to Christ for his forgiveness.

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