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Sermons on Leadership of the church

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Preaching on Leadership of the church? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Family Matters


Colin Smith suggests a number of common, but faulty, metaphors for the church. He says the church can be viewed as a gas station—a place ...

When Jesus Christ is our priority, his family becomes our priority.

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When Your Heroes Fall


When I was in the seventh grade, my family moved from a large town to a small village with only 2,000 people. In that town just about everyone ...

When our heroes fail us, we can still choose to honor their lives.

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Body Life


That the church is the "body of Christ" is more than simply a figure of speech. The church is the chief means by which Christ works today; ...

Like the members of our physical bodies, each member of the body of Christ is significant and dependent on one another.

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You Need a Good Priest


I could tell that he had been badly injured in the accident. I'm no medical expert, but I could tell by the pallor of his skin that he was ...

Christ is a perfect high priest, who still understands our every weakness.

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The Problem of Growth


The map of global Christianity our grandparents knew has been turned upside down. At the beginning of the twentieth century, only 10 percent ...

How to counter challenges with sound leadership and encourage growth.

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Don't Go To Church!


D. L. Moody was visiting a prominent Chicago citizen when the idea of church membership and involvement came up.

"I believe I can be just as ...

Being the church demands more than attendance.

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My Favorite Heroes: Nehemiah


The hero that we are going to look at today is a man named Nehemiah. I want to say just a couple of things as we get ready to walk into his ...

Five characteristics of Difference Makers in this world.

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Tradition Becomes More Attractive than Truth


According to Merriam-Webster, tradition is "the handing down of information, beliefs, and customs by word of mouth or by example from one ...

Why the church must fight against spiritual ruts

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A Leader Tough and Tender


Today when we read this passage, we tend to think of how it applies to the pastor and the rest of the church staff. In fact, in several ...

Leaders need to learn to be tough enough to pay the price and tender enough to take care of their people.

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A Leader's Work Is Never Done

Today our series on the book of Nehemiah comes to a close. When we began this series, Nehemiah was a slave to the king of Babylon. He became consumed ...

Leadership is not something you do; a leader is something you are.

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A Team of Leaders

I once heard a Baptist preacher say, "There are two things I would never want to be: the front pew of a Baptist church or the third verse of a Baptist ...

To help you maximize your gift (or ministry), Paul teaches that God has given you a team of leaders whose job it is to bring your gift to full fruition in the service of Jesus Christ and his church.

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A Leaders Work Is Never Done

Today our series on the book of Nehemiah comes to a close. When we began this series, Nehemiah was a slave to the king of Babylon. He became consumed ...

Leadership is not something you do; a leader is something you are.

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Lord, Give Us Leaders Who Can Lead Us to Justice

I believe that justice might just be God's only concern. Everything we know about God might have its roots in God's concern for justice. And if justice ...

Biblical leaders are more likely to emerge from the right environment

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