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Sermons on Imitation of Christ

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Preaching on Imitation of Christ? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

God's Love Language
God's Love Language


Why does it take so long to learn how to love the important people in our life? Am I the only slow learner in this crowd? When our kids were ...

Live and love in a way that makes God smile.

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Looking Otherward
Looking Otherward


Many years ago, I had dinner at a place called Windows on the World. The restaurant sat atop a skyscraper so high that the wait staff literally ...

Jesus is what our world needs most—will we conceal him or reveal him?

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Measuring the Clouds


Turn in your Bible to Matthew chapter 5, beginning with verse 38. Jesus says: "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for ...

In order to experience a true change in our hearts, we must see the world like Jesus sees it.

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If Jesus Lived in My Neighborhood
If Jesus Lived in My Neighborhood


Mark 10:35–45 offers several reasons why we should be servants in our community, in our work environment, and in the neighborhood in ...

Serving promotes unity, fosters teamwork, imitates Jesus, and changes us.

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The Prime Principle


Abiding in Christ is simply staying near a friend who loves you. But what happens to a person who abides in Christ? If I really walk with ...

Abiding in Christ results in growth, cleanness, productivity, security, and power.

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Come Die with Me


Matthew's gospel says that, toward the end of his three years of public ministry, "Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go ...

When Jesus really scares me

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Complete the Circle


In his book Bono in Conversation, author Michka Assayas recounts a remarkable discussion he had with the lead singer and songwriter of the ...

When Jesus sets conditions on grace

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My Favorite Heroes: Joseph


We are in a series looking at different heroes of the faith, and today we'll be looking at Joseph. You can turn in your Bibles to Genesis ...

An example that we all need to follow in becoming ministers of reconciliation.

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The Love Connection

Text: 1 John 2:1–11
Topic: How to walk as Jesus walked


First John is a book of assurances. It tells us what God wants his people to know. ...

We obey God by walking as Jesus walked; walking as Jesus walked begins by loving others.

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Keys to a Useful Life


The personnel manager of a large corporation recently said that the chief problem in industry and business today is certainly not over-production, ...

The ultimate standard of a useful life is not what we think and expect of ourselves as much as what we are willing to do for those around us.

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The Most Beautiful People on Earth


The latest rage in reality TV is the makeover show, in which a team of experts are brought in to transform somebody's wardrobe, car, backyard, ...

How to become a person of irresistible influence

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I had originally announced that I would be speaking today on the Christian's relationship to government, but in recent days the Lord has put ...

7 keys to living under authority

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Like a Living Stone


"How does it feel," Bob Dylan asks. "How does it feel to be on your own, with no direction home, a complete unknown, like a rolling stone?" ...

Finding identity, belonging, and significance in the body of Christ

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Us and Them


Just a few hours before his death, and a few days before he left his kingdom in the hands of his followers, Jesus prayed for them, and for ...

How do we live in the world without becoming part of the world?

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Let's begin with some audience participation. I know it's been a long weekend. Some of you are tired from traveling or cooking or shopping. ...

Living the Christian life is all about continuing.

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The Difference-Making Difference


Have you ever noticed that some passages of Scripture are crystal clear and easy to understand—the previous passage, for example? And ...

Christians are to be different, different in such a way that we make a difference in the world.

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Reflections on the Lord's Prayer


Most of us have had the experience of putting together something that we bought unassembled. Whether it was a swing set, a bicycle, a radio ...

The Lord's Prayer is a pattern that teaches Christians several important principles of prayer.

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What Should I Do?


A man reached retirement age and decided that he would help his wife by taking over some of the cooking chores. He began to make notes as ...

The moral ideal for Christians does not lie in obeying a legal code, but in yielding our lives in love to God and to other people.

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Lift High the Cross


Over the last several centuries, there has been a gradual, progressive, and continual exaltation of the self. The poet Walt Whitman wrote ...

Christians are called to honor Jesus for his self-giving love; we do that best by imitating him.

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Follow Me


The slogan used by the United States Marine Corps says, "We are looking for a few good men." Today they add, "...and women." ...

We will experience a full life when we choose to serve others as a response to Jesus' call.

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Becoming a Street Smart Saint

In the three previous messages in this series, we saw the Jewish leaders challenging Jesus' authority. He responded with a series of parables about ...

In Jesus we see a street-smart approach to holiness.

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A Good Imitation

Occasionally, when you read the Bible, you'll come across a verse that jumps out and overwhelms you by virtue of its sheer impossibility. For example, ...

You imitate God by loving people.

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Which Rung are You On?

I went to a restaurant, a type of place. As we were eating, this girl comes out with a bucket of Thousand Island dressing. She's coming out of the kitchen ...

Jesus calls us to be different.

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