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Sermons on Glorifying God

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Preaching on Glorifying God? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

A Preview of Coming Attractions
A Preview of Coming Attractions


When I was in college, I helped out with my church’s Vacation Bible School. The theme for VBS was the miracles of Jesus. So, each morning, ...

Jesus chooses suffering so we can share in his glory.

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What Do We Do Now?
What Do We Do Now?


Fritz Kreisler the world-famous violinist, earned a fortune with his concerts and compositions, but he generously gave most of it away. So, ...

The message of Christmas changes our lives and we ought to tell others.

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The ABCs of Praise
The ABCs of Praise


This is a Psalm that begins with a commitment that on the surface seems rather simple: "I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise ...

Learning God-honoring worship from Psalm 145

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The Wise Men Cry Glory
The Wise Men Cry Glory

From the editor:

Here's a great sermon from one of our featured preachers—Mark Buchanan—that explores the story of the Magi and Herod through ...

Christ is worthy of the long journey to find him and worship him.

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God's Green Earth

Introductory remarks from Steve Mathewson:

This sermon definitely resonated with my listeners! Many of them had already been practicing environmental stewardship ...

We represent and glorify God by taking good care of his creation.

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The House of Worship


Where is the best place to live? Every year, the UN asks this question about countries, and every year they release their recommendations ...

By ascribing to God his attributes, we draw near to the place where he is.

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Dangerous Worship


Have you considered that many of the things we do every day are inherently dangerous? Yet we hardly think about it. Every morning, I take ...

We must avoid dishonest worship, calculated worship, and thoughtless worship in order to truly present ourselves at Jesus' feet.

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Elements of Worship


One of the most interesting points of a pastor’s week is greeting people after Sunday morning worship. People say the most interesting things ...

The greatest acts of worship are acts of simple obedience to God each day of the week.

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Eternal Worship


I want to begin this message on worship in eternity by sharing with you a line from a hymn by William Cowper. One of the great hymns of our ...

In worship, we see things as they really are, not as they appear to be.

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Expressions of Worship Part 2


As we continue our series on biblical worship that I’ve entitled, “A Summer of Praise,” I want to remind you that last week, I shared a message ...

Worship is not a passive experience; it demands our whole self.

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Born to Live

Jesus is enjoying the most exhilarating moment of his life. He has just finished being the guest of honor in the Palm Sunday parade. His archenemies, ...

God meets us at our point of vulnerability

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