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Sermons on Fourth of July

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Preaching on Fourth of July? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

God and Caesar
God and Caesar

The story behind the sermon (by Dan Meyer)

The personal backdrop The sermon "God and Caesar" reflects my longstanding curiosity about the proper ...

Give government its due, but don't relinquish your religious liberties.

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Making Sense of God and Government
Making Sense of God and Government


Today I will be looking at Mark 12:13-17:

And they sent to him some of the Pharisees and some of the Herodians, to trap him in his talk. And ...

We're called to respect our government, but only God deserves our ultimate allegiance.

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The Foundation of a Nation


This weekend we want to celebrate our nation's independence. We have very much to be grateful for. We pause to say "thank you" for fathers ...

Healing our nation depends on God's power working through humble, prayer-filled believers.

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Thinking Biblically About Government
Thinking Biblically About Government

On December 17, 2010, a young Tunisian named Mohammed Bouazizi walked up to a local government building and set himself on fire. Earlier that day, the ...

Christ calls us respect, obey, and renew every form of human government.

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