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Sermons on Forgetfulness

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Preaching on Forgetfulness? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

We Are Forgetful People
We Are Forgetful People


We can be pretty forgetful people at times. A few months ago, I drove off with the gas pump still placed in my car. Just this week, I forgot ...

Despite our forgetfulness God remains faithful.

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God Remembers


In the 1960s Jim "Wrong Way" Marshall was a member of the "Purple People Eaters," the fearsome defensive unit of the Minnesota Vikings football ...

Without the redemptive memory of God, we are nothing.

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Living Expectantly

I'm sure that you hear it sometimes on the elevator. At other times if you're waiting in a doctor's office, you hear it. If you're shopping in the mall, ...

We must not be limited by the past, because God is always doing a new thing.

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