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Sermons on Fasting

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Preaching on Fasting? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

A Distraught Dad, His Demonized Boy, and a Faith that Moves Mountains
A Distraught Dad, His Demonized Boy, and a Faith that Moves Mountains

Author’s Introduction: If Mark 9:30-50 defies interpretation, as commentator Eugene Boring claims, the verses that immediately precede are only ...

Mountain-moving faith is a faith that accepts only God can resolve ‘this kind.’

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From Rubble to Rebuilding
From Rubble to Rebuilding


In Nehemiah we’re introduced to this eminent person, the problem he becomes aware of, then we listen in on the prayer he prays before ...

The rebuilding starts in us—when we return to him.

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Our Very Lives Are at Stake
Our Very Lives Are at Stake


Someone is trying to get inside my head. You think I’m crazy? Well, let me tell you this: someone is trying to get into your head, too. ...

Practicing the embodied spiritual practices of fasting, praying, and giving.

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Freedom from Lust
Freedom from Lust


The voices of lust are varied—young and old, male and female, single and married—but all of them are strained, brittle, and sad. ...

What we were made for, what we long for, is something greater.

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One of my favorite father-son stories in Western literature has to be story of Pip and Joe Gargery in Charles Dickens' novel, Great ...

It's a lie that you are fatherless; God will feed you, lead you, and abide with you.

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Rebuilding the Walls


In the countryside near Leicester, England, there stands an ancient church whose walls are inscribed with an eloquent memorial. The inscription ...

The Israelites' recovery from calamity serves as an example of what we can do today.

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Lent: Preparing Our Garden for Growth
Lent: Preparing Our Garden for Growth

From the editor

Despite its rich history in the church, many of us don't observe Lent. Maybe it's time to reconsider. As Skye points out in his ...

Lent is a time to remove obstacles and dedicate ourselves anew to growing in Christ.

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Fasting as Fuel for the Soul

We're in the third week of a series called Fuel For the Soul. We're looking at some ancient Christian disciplines that serve to strengthen us spiritually. ...

When properly motivated, fasting demonstrates faith and commitment to God and leads to a deeper relationship with him.

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The Purpose and Power of Fasting

The disciplined person is the person who can do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. Now I can take a basketball and I can get it into a ...

Fasting is the voluntary denial of an otherwise normal function for the sake of intense spiritual activity

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