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Sermons on Faith & Circumstances

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Preaching on Faith & Circumstances? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Complaining to God
Complaining to God


Americans complain a lot. The Pilgrims and Puritans came over here because they were complaining about religious authority. We fought for ...

God desires our uncensored honesty, and we should pray that God defend his own causes.

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The Dark Side of Grace


In the structure of John's gospel, John 11 serves as a hinge between two halves. The first 10 chapters are concerned with the ministry of ...

The dark side of God's grace is that a sovereign God who is in control sometimes uses the things he allows as much as he uses the things he directs.

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Satan Strikes Out

From the editor:

In the second half of Mark's sermon, he shares that C. S. Lewis once wrote that we often fall prey to two equal yet opposite errors concerning ...

We mustn't fear Satan; we must overcome him.

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Strong Grace, Hard Word, Good Memories


Be strong. Suffer hardship. Remember Jesus Christ. These are Paul's words of counsel to Timothy in a fallen world and imperfect church. Timothy ...

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Loss, Loyalty, & Lament


I've never been one to read romance novels, but lately I've been reading one. It's been a good one, too. Believe it or not, it's a book I ...

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Why Worry?
Why Worry?


We're probably all familiar with the story of Howard Hughes. Hughes was a big-time businessman who dabbled in oil, entertainment, and ...

Make up your mind to glorify Christ today by making a decision not to worry.

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Wisdom for Work

From the editor:

One of the more popular shows on TV right now is NBC's The Office. Though its comedy is often over-the-top, the audience still feels ...

We need to let the wisdom of God's Word trump conventional wisdom.

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Journey Mercies


Unless you go to the theater regularly, you may not be used to thinking of stories in terms of acts. But most of the stories you read, or ...

Seeking God's mercy through prayer in the midst of crisis

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Living on the Edge of Whatever Happens

From the editor

One of the great joys in preaching is when you know you have something special to offer. Perhaps it's a particularly well-crafted thesis ...

To live a "whatever happens" existence is to embrace the superintending hand of God that guides us even in the midst of mystery.

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Strong Grace, Hard Work, Good Memories

Text: 2 Timothy 2:1–9
Topic: A sobering look at what the Christian life entails

From the editor:

Every once in a while a sermon comes along that is ...

Sacrifice and hard work are part and parcel of the Christian life.

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Loss, Loyalty, and Lament

Text: Ruth 1:1–22
Topic: Learning to make the right choices in difficult times

From the editor:

Perhaps you're looking for a unique way to approach ...

In the midst of our loss, God is still at work, and his ultimate aim is to bless us.

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To Live Is Christ

From the editor

In this sermon Ed Rowell looks to tackle the tricky issue of joy and happiness. Most would agree that the two words have become synonymous, ...

You must give your life to the purpose God has for you, no matter the cost.

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God's Cure for Heart Trouble

From the editor

Greg Laurie is known for his straightforward, down-to-earth teaching style. This sermon showcases that ability in spades. Watch closely ...

Christ waits to bring salvation to those who are eagerly waiting for him.

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God's Noninterventions


When I was a boy, my sister left our home in Pitcairn, Pennsylvania, and traveled to Central Bible College. She had a lifelong problem with ...

There is a purpose to God's silence.

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A Faith that Functions

Not long ago one of our British playwrights had a characteristic Christian line in one of his plays: "It's not death, it's life that defeats the Christian ...

When we have a proper perspective, it's easier to live our faith

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Battling the Unbelief of Bitterness

One pastor confided in me that he gets angry very easily and he often feels a lot of anger inside that his people don't recognize because of his ability ...

We overcome the dangers of anger by allowing God to be our avenger.

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