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Sermons on Endurance

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Preaching on Endurance? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Remember to Hope
Remember to Hope


In Spring of 2020, I was traveling on a church van packed full with college students going for a hike on the snow-covered mountains ...

Remember God’s faithfulness in the past so that we may endure seasons of dryness in the present.

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Enduring Hardship Faithfully
Enduring Hardship Faithfully


Life is hard and full of uncertainties. You don't always know what will get you. You just know something will: coronavirus, unemployment, ...

Temporary hardships should humble us to place our hope in the eternal God.

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The Sudden Turn of Joy
The Sudden Turn of Joy


It’s a wonderful day and I’m really honored to be preaching on the first Sunday of the New Year it’s a great joy. I have ...

In our journey with Christ we need the work of faith, the labor of love, the uppomano of hope, and the sudden turn of joy.

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Living in the Protective Custody of God
Living in the Protective Custody of God


In the Believer's Bible Commentary, William MacDonald begins his comments on Psalm 91 by telling of a five-year-old boy who was dying of diphtheria ...

The Lord will protect the one who trusts in him.

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The Love Reaction
The Love Reaction


(Read 1 Thessalonians 3:6-10)

A single mother struggles to pay for a college education for her only child. She hates her job but knows she ...

How the spiritual condition of those we love can inspire us to persevere.

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It’s Good to Get Out Alive
It’s Good to Get Out Alive

The tourist brochure said that you can catch the bus to Yosemite Lodge up to Glacier Peak. When you get there, you can stand on the rock where a hundred ...

Pastoral ministry isn’t about our success and fame; it’s about God’s power to help us survive.

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Through the Valley


It was near the twilight of his life, and quite possibly he sat on one of the curvaceous slopes of the hills of Judea, looked out into one ...

When we are in the valley, God is preparing a blessing for us on the other side.

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Love Keeps Going


Several years ago there appeared on Broadway a political satire called Of Thee I Sing. The opening scene of that musical took place in a smoke-filled ...

When love is rooted in Christ, it will hope and endure in all things.

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Running with Endurance


Hebrew chapter 12, verses 1, 2, and 3 is the focus today. Let's read the Word of the Lord:

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses ...

The race of faith isn't a sprint; it's a marathon of enduring for and with Jesus.

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Hanging on When You Feel Like Giving Up


Helen Hayes, a stage actress of another decade, was talking about charm when she said, "Charm is that thing which, if you have it, you don't ...

Christlike love bears with people, offering protection and trust.

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A New Philadelphia


There is something in a name. My name is Mike. Actually, Michael's not my first name; my first name is Jerry. I'm Jerry Michael Breaux. On ...

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Look, the Great White Horse!


We cannot seem to comprehend some things in the Book of Revelation. But there are other things that are clear, and we may understand them ...

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You Can Count on Me


On Dec 5, 1914, Ernest Shackleton embarked on what he called "the last great polar expedition." His goal was to cross Antarctica by dogsled—an ...

The Holy Spirit's work of faithfulness

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A New Name for Philadelphia

Text: Revelation 3:7–13
Topic: We have a new name, and we're going to live in a new city that cannot be shaken.

From the editor

Like Dave Stone of Southeast ...

God opens doors and provides what we need so we can live in his will and be known by his name.

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Ready or Not, Here I Come!
Ready or Not, Here I Come!

From the editor

Simply put: it's easy to mess up a difficult passage like Luke 21. You may find yourself applying something regarding Jerusalem's ...

If we know what to look for and act accordingly in faith, we'll be ready for the Second Coming.

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The Hardest Part of the Journey


Today marks the beginning of a four-week series on the one book of the Bible that perhaps is read less often than any other. If we took a ...

It's okay to ask, "Are we there yet?"

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Let's begin with some audience participation. I know it's been a long weekend. Some of you are tired from traveling or cooking or shopping. ...

Living the Christian life is all about continuing.

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Getting In the Last Word


When we began this series, I mentioned that First Peter deals with some topics that Americans don't always immediately relate to. Peter ...

If you are willing to endure suffering, you can fulfill God's calling on your life.

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The Most Unlikely One


An organization advertised for climbers interested in setting new records for climbing the highest point in each of the fifty United States ...

God uses the most unlikely characters to play leading roles in the unfolding drama of his saving purposes.

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When the Storms of Life Are Raging

A friend and I were in ministry together about 20 years ago. We have kept in occasional contact with one another over the years, and last week we had ...

God is faithful to get you through life's unavoidable troubles and trials.

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As for Me

I stood in that old church in Richmond where long ago Patrick Henry fired a verbal shot that was heard around the world. It was on March 20, 1775, a day ...

When it comes to serving God, the difference is worth the distance.

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Strong to the Finish

It was a hot dayTuesday, July 20, 1993, in Washington, D.C.as Vincent Foster sat in the Rose Garden. That morning he watched as President Clinton announced ...

People are remembered for how they finish—their lives, their relationships, their ministry. When life gets tough, God helps us run the race before us.

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Passing the Test

"Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, 'Lord, Son of David, ...

Jesus sometimes tests us in order to teach us.

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Through the Valley

It was near the twilight of his life, and quite possibly he sat on one of the curvaceous slopes of the hills of Judea, looked out into one of the valleys, ...

When we are in the valley, God is preparing a blessing for us on the other side.

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