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Sermons on Emptiness

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Preaching on Emptiness? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

The Good News Is the Bad News Is Wrong


I'd like you to use your imagination this morning and picture our world, your world, as a terrarium. You know what a terrarium is. My version ...

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Image Management


In her wonderful book Breathe, author Keri Wyatt Kent names four crucial commitments necessary to finding our way into a saner kind of life ...

When we're keeping up appearances

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You're Fantastic


Of all the comic books turned into motion pictures of late, my favorite one is the Fantastic Four. For those not in the know, it is a tale ...

When we need to be a superhero

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Trophy Kids


When our eldest son was making preparations to start his freshman year of high school, I overheard him telling a classmate that he was planning ...

When we only want the best for them

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More Better


On my way to work this week, I had this peaceful time to think as I drove. Actually, I had even more time than usual, because I was kindly ...

When enough is not

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I've jumped into this series on inSanity not because I'm throwing stones, but because crazy has become the new normal for me. I feel like ...

When we are hooked on speed

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Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness


A businessman decided to throw a party for some of his clients, and because he was doing so well, he spared no expense. He hired the most ...

The purpose of our emptiness

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Wrestling with God


Soon after my wife and I married, we began decorating our house by putting things on the walls. When we came to the kitchen, I came up with ...

We find our identity and value in God when we are honest enough to wrestle with him.

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Where Are You?


When I was a kid growing up in Minnesota, my family had a summer tradition. Every Sunday night, all seven kids and my parents would cram into ...

God's persistent, loving question to lost people

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The Good News Is, the Bad News Is Wrong

Text: Ecclesiastes 3:1-14; 1 Corinthians 15:17-20
Topic: How Christ frees us from the meaninglessness of life on our own


I'd like you to use ...

Jesus' resurrection broke the bounds of this life and enables us to do the same.

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Jesus' Vacation


Many of us have recently returned from our summer holidays and are trying to adjust to normal life once again. There was a little blurb ...

Jesus' easy yoke and light burden free us from worthless pursuits and provide us with something significant to accomplish.

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