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Sermons on Death to sin

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Preaching on Death to sin? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Round Yon Violence
Round Yon Violence


I've learned in my life that there are some people who will say just about anything to a pregnant woman. When my wife Maria was pregnant, ...

Christmas is God making war against sin.

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Jesus and John - Together to Trust


The year was 155 AD and the place was Smyrna, in the Roman province of Asia. There was a new wave of persecution that was sweeping against ...

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Come Die with Me


Matthew's gospel says that, toward the end of his three years of public ministry, "Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go ...

When Jesus really scares me

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We Need a Downpour

Text: Hosea 6:1
Topic: Why we need revival

Where would we be without the Lord? Where would we be individually; where would we be in our family? Where would ...

Christians view life not as a process, but as a series of crises where we continually return to God and his plan for our life.

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The Difference-Making Difference


Have you ever noticed that some passages of Scripture are crystal clear and easy to understand—the previous passage, for example? And ...

Christians are to be different, different in such a way that we make a difference in the world.

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