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Sermons on Citizenship

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Preaching on Citizenship? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.



Across from the residence where I lived in college stood a mysterious building known as Scroll and Key. This great stone-clad mausoleum was ...

What will you do with the key Christ has given you?

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Making Sense of God and Government
Making Sense of God and Government


Today I will be looking at Mark 12:13-17:

And they sent to him some of the Pharisees and some of the Herodians, to trap him in his talk. And ...

We're called to respect our government, but only God deserves our ultimate allegiance.

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New and Improved


Today, it seems everything is hawked as "new and improved." We have new and improved shampoo, new and improved TV dinners, new and improved ...

As God's new creation, we are citizens of his kingdom, members of his family, and stones in his holy temple.

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