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Sermons on Adonijah

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Preaching on Adonijah? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Putting the Kingdom First
Putting the Kingdom First


In an article entitled "A new kind of urban Christian," Tim Keller argues that "Christians should be a dynamic counterculture. ...

This world is passing; use God's good gifts for his kingdom.

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David's Last Words


A life is a terrible thing to waste. In his life saving book, Don't Waste Your Life, John Piper recounts a story his father often told in ...

We cannot waste our lives if we obey the Word of God.

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Long Live the King!


According to ancient custom, the death of a ruler is greeted with the following words: "The king is dead; long live the king!" This may seem ...

By supporting God's anointed king, we advance his everlasting kingdom.

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A Royal Conspiracy


The right to rule as king has been the occasion of many bitter conflicts. Often brother has fought against brother to wear the crown, forcing ...

If we believe in the kingdom of God, we will act toward its fulfillment.

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King Me!

If you need an overall title, you could try something like this: "The King Takes His Throne: Solomon's Rise to Power."
By submitting to the kingdom of Christ, we put Jesus on his rightful throne.

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