Preaching on Adam & Eve? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

Life of Seth: An Expository Character Narrative Sermon
[Hoeing. Pulling weeds – Has a pain in hand]
Ow! These cursed thorns! Oh, I didn’t see you there. Welcome friend. The name’s Seth. Why ...
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Humanity's Mission Statement
If you have your Bible I'm going to read Genesis1:26-31. I want to read the events of the sixth day of creation as it is recorded for us here. ...
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Who Am I When I Sin?
The early Christian movement had a list that is famous to this day: "The Seven Deadly Sins." The seven sins on the list were pride, envy, ...
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Who Am I After I Sin?
Last week we started a series called "Wicked." We're attempting to wrestle with one of the defining realities of our life: we screw up. We ...
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Who Am I When I Sin?
The early Christian movement had a list that is famous to this day: "The Seven Deadly Sins." The seven sins on the list were pride, envy, ...
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The Genesis of Gender
A year-and-a-half ago I decided I was going to sew a dress for my son's wedding. I got an "A" when I sewed an apron in Home Economics class ...
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Let the Blames Begin
In this series we're going to be talking about taking responsibility. Each week I want you to ask yourself, "Am I taking responsibility for ...
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Community: The Context for Change
Story behind the sermon (from John Ortberg)
I am a huge N. T. Wright fan, and I think some of his material on the role and destiny of human beings is a ...
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All God Does Is Good
From the editor
Chuck's sermon is an excellent example of a sermon that sharpens the way we read the Bible. Notice how Chuck challenges us to take the ...
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The Story of Our Broken World
When I was about ten years old, my dad, a medical doctor, received a special gift from one of his patients: a beautiful globe with shiny sequins. ...
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What Do Men Want? What Do Women Want?
When the Bible describes how the world was created, it uses the word good a lot. It says, "God created light" and "saw that the light was ...
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I Have a Dark Side I Must Understand
Mark Twain once said, "We're all like the moon—we have a dark side." I think his analysis of human nature was right on ...
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