Preaching on Achievement? Browse these sermons to find fresh ideas.

The Gain of Sacrifice
I returned from a two-week trip to Nairobi, Kenya, and Jos, Nigeria, where we were visiting some of our dear friends and ministry partners ...
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The Good Life
People may not sing it much anymore, but the following Herb Magidson song was popular in its day:
You're gonna take that ocean trip, no matter, ...
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Same Old, Same Old
From the editor
After 15 years at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Philip Ryken accepted the call to become the next president ...
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Jesus' Vacation
Many of us have recently returned from our summer holidays and are trying to adjust to normal life once again. There was a little blurb ...
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Keeping Stress From Becoming Distress
I want to talk about keeping stress from becoming distress. Not all stress is bad. We need a certain amount of stress in our lives in order ...
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The Gift of Purpose-Filled Living
A few years ago I was working at an elementary-aged camp. It had rained a couple of days in a row, and finally the sun was shining, but it was still ...
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Investing Your Life
I will begin by saying today's sermon is not about money. It's about something much, much more important. This parable teaches four crucial principles ...
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Finding Significance in Obscurity
I would expect 99 percent of the people in our society feel very obscure; the kind of feeling that whatever I do doesn't really matter. Nobody ...
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