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The Problem with Gambling
Gambling is addictive, leads to corruption, ruins lives, and violates Scripture.
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What Jesus Would Say to Jack Kevorkian
The consequences of legally assisted suicide would be morally and ethically disastrous.
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Why God is Father, Not Mother
The authority of Scripture mandates God must be called Father.
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It's Decision Time
We must not waste time being indecisive; we must step out in faith and make choices.
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Why Christ Had to Die
Not until we fully understand our human condition—that of total depravity—can we fully appreciate what God did for us through Christ's death and resurrection.
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Back from Failure
After denying Christ three times, Peter had certainly failed. But Jesus restores Peter in a post-resurrection appearance, asking Peter three times if he loves Christ.
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Costly Compassion
When Paul was converted to Christ, he quickly learned that suffering was part of the deal—and he embraced it, all for the cause of the gospel. So should we.
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Making More Disciples
Making More Disciples
Evangelism is more than just giving information about Jesus; it includes making disciples who are committed to Christ for a lifetime.
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God's Design for Marriage
God's instructions for husbands and wives are the key to a long and happy marriage.
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Giving and Growing
Revival is marked and sustained by generous giving.
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