Craft & Character Podcast
Episode 43 | 50 min
Speaking by the Numbers with Sean Palmer

Ever deliver a message—from the pulpit or in a meeting—that excited some but bored others? Why is the response in the room a mixed bag? Sean Palmer, teaching pastor at Ecclesia in Houston, TX, shares an Enneagram-informed strategy that helps him answer the one question plaguing communicators: How do I reach my entire audience?
Sean explains to Steve Carter, how every person has three intelligence centers: thinking, feeling, and doing. We need to understand the demographic of our people to transform the effectiveness of our pulpits. While statistics are helpful, Sean doesn’t reduce effective communication to crunching numbers. As he says, spending time with people, and listening to them deeply, is indispensable to crafting a powerful message.
Sean’s books: Forty Days On Being a Three, Speaking By the Numbers, Unarmed Empire