Craft & Character Podcast
Episode 72 | 55 min
Having Something to Say with Michele Cushatt

Every communicator must decide: Am I going to be the person pretending I don’t have flaws, or am I going to be someone with something to say?
For Michele Cushatt一author, speaker, and communication coach一three bouts with tongue cancer, which left her with only two-thirds of her tongue and a permanent lisp, have taught her it’s the foundation of her life, not a polished facade, that makes her a transformative communicator.
Michele’s conversation with Steve Carter explores the unwanted pain life inevitably brings and the healing work God does in the midst of it. Drawing from her own story, vulnerable about her own weakness, Michele usher us onto the holy ground between despair and denial一where we can lament, rejoice, and speak with conviction that only comes from abiding in Jesus.
How can you build a stronger faith foundation? Pick up a copy of her book, A Faith That Will Not Fail, which unpacks ten simple practices to connect you with God.
Michele’s books: A Faith That Will Not Fail, Relentless, I Am, Undone