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Monday Morning Preacher Podcast

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Episode 53 | 17 min

The Power of Emotion in Expository Preaching

Eliciting emotions that the Biblical text intends.
The Power of Emotion in Expository Preaching

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What role should your emotions play in expository preaching? Matt Woodley explores this topic with Greg Hollifield, Associate Dean for Assessment and Reporting at Memphis College of Urban and Theological Studies at Union University. He said “So I started listening more closely to Haddon (Robinson’s) sermons, and I realized the emotions he was evoking were in line with the content of the text that he was expositing.” He also warns preachers of being emotionally or intellectually manipulative, when preaching God’s word. Greg talks about a recent sermon he preached where Jacob wrestles with an angel, to pursue a blessing. Find out how he frames this story, to capture the emotion of the text.

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Matt Woodley is the pastor of compassion ministries at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.