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Sermon Illustrations about Work

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Work to help bring your sermon to life.

The End of Work Spouses and Office Besties

A lot of things about work that we long took for granted have changed for good, as we settle into our remote and hybrid reality. While many of us are ...

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Boeing Fails Federal Quality Audit

In March of 2024, aviation manufacturer Boeing announced changes to their internal processes after failing a safety audit by the Federal Aviation Administration ...

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Only 13% Are Actively Engaged at Work

Gallup once polled people in 142 countries to respond to a series of statements designed to measure employee engagement—involving matters like their ...

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Faulty Work Nearly Causes Airplane Crash

First, there was a pop. And then a big bang. Air loudly whooshed out of the side of the airplane, which was flying at 16,000 feet with an emergency exit ...

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How AI Short-Circuits Creativity

In 2023 the ad agency Design Army created an entire campaign using only generative AI. In it, a world of impossible buildings, floating hats, and gigantic ...

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‘The American Dream’ is Slipping Out of Reach

The American dream—the proposition that anyone who works hard can get ahead, regardless of their background—has slipped out of reach in the ...

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A New Business Rule: Giving 85% Effort

Business consultants are calling it “The 85% rule.” An article in The Wall Street Journal explained how it works:

Are you giving it your all? ...

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‘Beauty’ Brings Special Privileges

Beauty has its privileges. Studies reliably show that the most physically attractive among us tend to get more attention from parents, better grades in ...

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Americans are Seeking ‘Meaningful Work’

Author and researcher Bruce Feiler crisscrossed the country, trying to understand the roots of shifting attitudes towards work. He collected 400 extensive ...

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Burger King Employee with Perfect Attendance Crowdfunded

Kevin Ford, a dedicated Burger King cook and cashier, received a small goody bag from management as recognition for never taking a sick day during his ...

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