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Sermon Illustrations about Vices

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Vices to help bring your sermon to life.

A Miracle Cure for Fleshly Desires?

Paul Ford writes in an article on Wired, what happened when he switched his weight loss meds and found a miracle cure. Decades of struggle with an insatiable ...

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There’s an App for the 7 Deadly Sins

"There's an app for that"--yes, even if "that" means each one of the Seven Deadly Sins, the classic vices of Christian moral teaching. ...

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App Fills Your Calendar So You Can Pretend To Be Busy

Your friend is moving Saturday. Are you free to help? The real answer is yes. The honest answer is no, because you're a human being and not a forklift. ...

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Young Girl Freed from Slavery Returns to Her Pimp

In their Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Half the Sky, Nicholas Kristof and his wife Sheryl WuDunn report on [the] worldwide slavery [in sex trafficking], ...

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Woman's Pet Boa Constrictor Causes Her Death

A few years ago there was a fascinating but rather unpleasant story. It had all the qualities of a good mystery. A frantic 911 call brought police to ...

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Famous Painting Pictures Human Folly

I imagine you're familiar with the phrase "ship of fools." It was a common medieval motif used in literature and art, especially religious ...

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Pornography a "Quiet Family Killer"

In December of 2009, the Family Research Council released the results of a new study exploring the effects of pornography on marriage, children, and individuals. ...

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Combating Pornography by Deepening Holiness Pathways

In his book “Wired for Intimacy,” William M. Struthers writes:

When I was young, I visited a farm that had an old-fashioned water pump. It ...

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Toxic Assets

The 2009 economic crisis brought an interesting phrase into the headlines: toxic assets. Toxic assets are one of the factors contributing to the trouble ...

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Lenten Laughs: A Hypocritical Robber

A priest was coming back to his rectory one evening in the dark when he was accosted by a robber who pulled a gun on him and demanded, "Your money ...

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