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Sermon Illustrations about Ungodliness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Ungodliness to help bring your sermon to life.

'GQ' Magazine Presents Contrasting Worldviews

The December 2013 issue of GQ magazine had two quotes that present two starkly different worldviews and paths for your life. In the first quote, the actor ...

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Drug Dealers Close on the Sabbath

On April 20, 2013 NYPD officers raided a drug den in a Brooklyn, New York neighborhood. The police found a crew of five men in possession of 23,000 pills ...

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Lab Tech Convicts Criminals While Breaking the Law

In September 2012, Annie Dookhan, a crime lab technician in Boston was nicknamed the "superwoman" by her coworkers. Officials said that during ...

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Psychiatrist "Discovers" the Reality of Evil

Psychiatrist Scott Peck wrote of meeting with a depressed 15-year-old named Bobby, who was increasingly troubled after his 16-year-old brother killed ...

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Two Philosophers Admit That They Did Not Want to Believe

In his article titled "Unreasonable Doubt," Jim Spiegel quotes two contemporary philosophers who have resisted belief in God for personal and ...

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Combating Pornography by Deepening Holiness Pathways

In his book “Wired for Intimacy,” William M. Struthers writes:

When I was young, I visited a farm that had an old-fashioned water pump. It ...

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Research on Honesty and Deceit

In 2008, New York Magazine ran a comprehensive article about research concerning kids and lying. In one study researchers gathered a group of children ...

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Author Norman Mailer on Worldview

If you don't believe in God and the Devil, I wouldn't say you're crazy, but you're intellectually malnourished.

—U.S. author, Norman ...

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Why We Lie

Bella DePaulo, a visiting professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who specializes in studying forms of human deception, asked college ...

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Someone Is Watching

Syndicated New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, a keen observer of world trends, devoted a recent column to the idea that technology has made everyone ...

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