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Sermon Illustrations about Unbelief

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Unbelief to help bring your sermon to life.

‘Nones’ Now the Largest Religious Group

When Americans are asked to check a box indicating their religious affiliation, 28% now check “none.” A new study from Pew Research finds ...

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Rethinking Persuasion in a Post-Truth World

Sharing a Christian worldview with others can often create tense situations. Especially when we are talking with friends and family who do not share our ...

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Clever DNA Tricks

Every person starts as one fertilized egg, which by adulthood has turned into roughly 37 trillion cells. But those cells have a formidable challenge. ...

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Knowing Christ ‘From the Inside’

Saving faith is not mere knowledge of Scripture or of Christ. Treating it like that is like treating a prescription as a medicine, or a signpost as a ...

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Only Half of Americans Certain that God Exists

Only half of Americans now say they are sure God exists according to the General Social Survey, conducted by NORC, the research arm of the University ...

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Why Water Is Weird

Researchers reported recently that it is striking that water is the “least understood material on Earth.” In an article, researchers ask, ...

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Christians Could Be U.S. Minority By 2070

Christianity could become a minority religion in the U.S. by 2070 if Americans continue to leave the faith at the current rate, according to new projections ...

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Gen Z Women Not More Religious than Men

For decades, we’ve thought of women as more religious than men. Survey results, conventional wisdom, and anecdotal glimpses across our own congregations ...

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Belief in God in US Drops to Record Low

The vast majority of US adults believe in God, but the 81% who do so is down six percentage points from 2017 and is the lowest in Gallup's trend. ...

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Harvard’s Chief Chaplain Is an Atheist

The Puritan colonists who settled in New England in the 1630s had a nagging concern about the churches they were building: How would they ensure that ...

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