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Sermon Illustrations about Suffering

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Suffering to help bring your sermon to life.

Popeyes’ Meme Kid Signs NIL Deal

Dieunerst Collin is one of the latest collegiate athletes to sign an NIL deal. The 2021 NCAA policy that allows athletes to receive compensation in exchange ...

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God Was Their Deliverer

As a child, Juliet Liu Waite and her sisters would plead with their aunt to tell them the story of their escape from Saigon, South Vietnam. The story ...

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Assisted Dying is Rapidly Becoming Legal

In 1997, only Switzerland allowed their residents to decide if they wanted to end their life, but “compassion for end-of-life sensibilities” ...

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Canada Euthanized 10,000 People in 2021

In an issue of CT magazine, Dr. Ewan Goligher shares what he has learned as a Christian doctor receiving requests for physician-assisted dying. He notes ...

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The Joy of the Lord

It is said that George Frederick Handel composed his amazing musical The Messiah in approximately three weeks. It was apparently done at a time when his ...

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From Persecutor of the Church to Persecuted Pastor

Before he met Jesus, Ravan worked as a paid assailant for the RSS, a Hindu nationalist organization in India. For seven years, Ravan relished his role ...

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This Thanksgiving, Be Thankful Even in Difficult Times

In the fall of 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued two landmark statements. The first was the famous Gettysburg Address in which Lincoln commemorated ...

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Fear of Being Buried Alive

Hannah Beswick had a morbid fear of being buried alive, and this dread was not entirely irrational. Her young brother John almost had his coffin lid closed ...

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When God Writes Your Life Story

Novelist Mitali Perkins was raised in a Hindu home, where her father taught his children that God was a divine spirit of love. But when her friend, Clayton, ...

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Why Bad Things Happen to People

Job, Epicurus, Augustine, C.S. Lewis, and other famous thinkers wrestled with explaining why an all-loving, all-knowing, and all-powerful God would allow ...

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