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Sermon Illustrations about Steadfastness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Steadfastness to help bring your sermon to life.

Missionary's Efforts Bear Fruit 150 Years Later

The American missionary Adoniram Judson arrived in Burma, or Myanmar, in 1812, and died there thirty-eight years later in 1850. During that time, he suffered ...

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Research Shows the Key to Excellence: Long-Term Commitment

Why do some musicians or athletes excel while others remain mediocre? In his book The Social Animal, David Brooks points to current research that reveals ...

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61-year-old Sheep Herder Wins the Australian Ultramarathon

In 1983, Australia hosted its ultramarathon, a 573.7 mile foot race from Sydney to Melbourne. This is a race that takes days to run, and professionals ...

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A Youth Group Witnesses a Spiritual Harvest in Afghanistan

In his most recent book What Good Is God?, Philip Yancey writes:

This is a true story from Afghanistan that took place in the early 1970s, before the Russian ...

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The Nature of Our Calling

Kirsten Strand writes:

I have learned that ignoring a calling can lead to depression, anger, frustration, and a deep dissatisfaction with life. And I have ...

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Wartime Gardens Symbolize Life

Jane Garmey, a writer for The Wall Street Journal, recently wrote a piece about Kenneth Helphand, a professor of landscape architecture at the University ...

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One Way to Love God

There is but one way in which God should be loved, and that is to take no step except with Him and for Him, and to follow, with a generous self-abandonment, ...

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Oklahoma City Tree Brings Hope

The most-sacred symbol in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is a tree: a sprawling, shade-bearing, 80-year-old American Elm. Tourists drive from miles around to ...

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John Wayne on Courage

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway."

—Actor John Wayne (1907–1979)

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Henrietta Mears' Ministry Perspective

"God never put anyone in a place too small to grow." Henrietta Mears, founder of Gospel Light

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