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Sermon Illustrations about Spiritual Poverty

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Spiritual Poverty to help bring your sermon to life.

More Americans Believe Their House Is Haunted

More Americans believe their home is inhabited by someone or something that isn’t a living being. A study from the company Vivint found that nearly ...

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Michael Phelps and Post-Olympic Depression

Michael Phelps is the most decorated Olympian of all time, but what’s left to accomplish after you’ve proved you’re the best in the ...

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Influential Rock Star on the Failures of Rock Music

Peter Townshend is a singer, songwriter, and co-founder and leader of the rock band The Who. For over 50 years the band has been widely considered as ...

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Football Is Tom Brady's Religion

Tom Brady, quarterback for the New England Patriots, is on a spiritual quest.

Football has become Brady’s religion, said Gotham Chopra, a filmmaker ...

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Chuck Colson: God Used My Greatest Defeat

Chuck Colson said in a sermon:

The great paradox [of my life] is that every time I walk into a prison and see the faces of men or women who have been transformed ...

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Tim Keller on Being "Middle-Class in Spirit"

Tim Keller offers the following definition for what Jesus meant by being "poor in spirit":

It means seeing that you are deeply in debt before ...

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Two Wrong Ways to Address Struggles and Sins

On the same day, Rebecca Pippert attended two very different events: a graduate-level psychology class at Harvard University and a Christian Bible study ...

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Brothers Living in Cave Discover They Are Mega-millionaires

Flat broke and homeless, brothers Geza and Zslot Peladi literally lived in a cave near Budapest for years. They left their dank home only to scrape together ...

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Powerless Christianity

While visiting Grand Coulee Dam, my family and I were surprised to see that the visitor's center was dark. It was a sunny day, so we thought the center ...

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In Religious Ruts

Think about people who find themselves in religious ruts. They discover a number of things about themselves. They will find that they are getting older ...

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