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Sermon Illustrations about Social Conditions

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Social Conditions to help bring your sermon to life.

Stats on Incarceration in America

A 2010 report conducted by The Pew Charitable Trusts revealed the following statistics about incarceration rates in the United States:

  • 2.3 million Americans are behind bars, equaling more than 1 in 100 adults. That marks a 300 percent increase since 1980.

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Rickety Kayak Shows Our Quest for Freedom

In the Mariners' Museum in Newport News, Virginia, there's a special display for a rickety, home-made aluminum kayak. This tiny, makeshift boat ...

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10 Surprising Stats about World Hunger
  1. Hunger is the world's number 1 health risk; it kills more people every year than AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined.
  2. Some 925 million people do not have enough to eat.

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How Justification by Faith Transforms Lives and Communities

One day theologian Miroslav Volf was visiting a friend who pastors a church in Sandtown, a desperately poor and dangerous neighborhood in Baltimore. As ...

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Secular Reporter Praises the Work of Evangelicals

In 2011 New York Times editorialist Nicholas Kristof wrote a column praising the work of many evangelical Christians. Kristof begins by noting that at ...

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A List of the Positive Changes Brought by Christianity

As followers of Christ, we can freely admit there have been many bad things done in the name of Christ. But for the sake of fairness and honesty, we should ...

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How Biblical Shalom Resembles a Beautiful Fabric

In a sermon entitled The Beauty of Biblical Justice, pastor Timothy Keller defines the biblical concept of shalom as universal flourishing, wholeness, ...

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Businessman's Vision Leads to 100 Little League Teams for Underprivileged Kids

On his way to work one day, Chicago insurance broker Bob Muzikowski saw a derelict ball field full of trash in a gang-infested neighborhood. The kids ...

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Group of Mothers Makes Big Impact on Gang War Zone

In the early 1990s, gang violence erupted in Boyle Heights, a section of East Los Angeles. Eight gangs were in conflict in the parish around the Dolores ...

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Spending Habits in the World of Virtual Games

Many use Facebook as a way to keep in touch with friends and acquaintances, but others use it to play games that involve virtual farms, virtual pets, ...

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