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Sermon Illustrations about Slothfulness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Slothfulness to help bring your sermon to life.

Garbage Out of Control

In 1991, a judge fined brothers Geno and Russell Capozziello, owners of a Bridgeport, Connecticut, wrecking company, nearly $900,000 for operating an ...

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No Pain, No Gain

The unconverted man says, "Conversion is easy tomorrow, but hard today. I'll put it off." Even so, prayer that is now difficult appears easy in the ...

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Wrong-Headed Spontaneity

"Discipline" has become a dirty word for our culture. ... I know I am speaking heresy in many circles, but spontaneity is greatly overvalued. ...

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Lost in Drudgery

Most of us are spiritually inefficient because we cannot do certain things and remain spiritual. We can be spiritual in prayer meetings, in congenial ...

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Shine on Me

Every morning for two years I battled with my son Jordan to get him up for school. Everything changed when he left his window shades up at night. In the ...

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Resting and Rusting

If I rest, I rust.

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Defeating the Bully

In his book Fuzzy Memories, Jack Handey writes:

There used to be this bully who would demand my lunch money every day. Since I was smaller, I would give ...

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Opportunity Looks Like Work

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

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Don't Clutter

Don't own so much clutter

That you will be relieved

To see your house catch fire.

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The Cult of Mediocrity

I fear that we in the mass media are creating such a market for mediocrity that we've diminished the incentive for excellence. We celebrate notoriety ...

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