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Sermon Illustrations about Sinful desires

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Sinful desires to help bring your sermon to life.

The Terrible Price of Sin

In his book Finishing Strong, Steve Farrar sums up well the terrible price of sin:

"Sin will take you farther than you want to go,

Keep you longer ...

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Choosing to Live in Darkness

At first glance Steve and Kathryn's home might look like a dingy basement apartment. But then you notice that everything rests on crates. You see, ...

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Former Congressman Reflects on Transgressions

In May of 2010, Indiana congressman Mark Souder resigned his position after confessing to an affair with a part-time staffer. In more than a dozen emails ...

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Tolkien's Gollum Illustrates Well the Deformity Caused by Sin

Gollum. What a great name. Just from the sound of it, you can tell that it is attached to a ne'er-do-well.

Gollum is the slimiest character in J. R. ...

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Our Inner Eyjafjallajokull

In the wake of the eruption of a volcano in Iceland that shut down air traffic over Europe in 2010, author and speaker Gordon MacDonald writes:

I—and ...

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MasterCard Mentality

Christians, of all people, should understand that the MasterCard mentality is not the way to master life. The pattern Jesus established was one of deferring ...

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When Desire Takes Over

Selfishness is a phenomenon of the will, and consists in committing the will to the gratification of the desires. ... Selfishness begins when the will ...

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