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Sermon Illustrations about Sin, punishment for

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Sin, punishment for to help bring your sermon to life.

Fentanyl Dealer Caught During NBA Game

Sometimes the wheels of justice turn slowly, but eventually they do turn. Such was the case for Billy Ray Trueblood, who was finally sentenced in May ...

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Stolen Car Pursuit Leads to Chop Shop Raid

For most people, a drive home from a day out is rather uneventful, but most people are not Christopher Young. Young was spotted by Portland police officers ...

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Fear of Being Buried Alive

Hannah Beswick had a morbid fear of being buried alive, and this dread was not entirely irrational. Her young brother John almost had his coffin lid closed ...

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Mystery Writer Explains the Wrath of God

In a novel by the British mystery writer P.D. James, a detective shares a common sentiment, saying, “I don’t go for all this emphasis on sin, ...

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Will the Gates of Hell Be Closed Forever?

Drive three and a half hours north of Turkmenistan’s capital, into the flat, seemingly empty desert. In the middle of nowhere, you’ll see ...

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Man Accidentally Pepper-Sprays Himself Mid-Robbery

In the town of Merced, which is named after the Spanish word for “mercy,” a bumbling robbery attempt was quickly brought to a merciful end. ...

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Waiting for the Final Proof that Righteousness Pays

Author/speaker Christopher Ash asks, “What are we to make of the Bible’s passages that seem to speak quite straightforwardly of blessings ...

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Communist Christ Casts the First Stone

A high school ethics textbook published by the Chinese government includes a revised version of John 8:3–11. In the Christian version, Jesus is ...

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Forgiveness Always Comes at A Cost

Pastor and author J.D. Greear writes:

I remember a Muslim asking me when I lived in Southeast Asia, why would God need somebody to die in order to forgive ...

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Can a Loving God Also be a Judging God?

In Christianity God is both a God of love and of justice. Many people struggle with this. They believe that a loving God can't be a judging God. Like ...

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