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Sermon Illustrations about Science

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Science to help bring your sermon to life.

AI Robots Dispense ‘Spiritual Wisdom and Forgiveness’

In Buddhist Japan, they now have robot priests. Mindar is a robo-priest which has been working at a temple in Kyoto for the last few years, reciting Buddhist ...

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Road Signs Warn Drivers Using Phones

Tim Hogan is the founder and CEO SaferStreet Solutions, a development firm focusing on improving traffic safety and reducing pedestrian deaths. For years, ...

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Child Hears ‘Monsters’ in Bedroom

Ashley Class was initially unconcerned when her oldest child complained about monsters in her room. Ashley said, “She was saying she heard monsters ...

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Who Programmed the Computer?

Our existence on a Goldilocks planet in a Goldilocks universe is so statistically improbable that many scientists believe in the multiverse. In other ...

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Broken Heart Syndrome Is Real

A mere generation ago, “heartbreak” was an overused literary metaphor but not an actual medical event. The first person to recognize it as ...

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Astronomers Spot Brightest Object in Universe

Astronomers have found the brightest known object in the universe—a glowing core of a galaxy, called a quasar, located 12 billion light-years away. ...

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Pregnant Stingray Confounds Experts

“Life will not be contained, life breaks free, it expands to new territories, it crashes into barriers, painfully, maybe even dangerously,” ...

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Scientists Created Something Beyond Their Control

News and concerns about Artificial Intelligence systems like ChatGPT, Google Gemini, and Bing AI Chat are all over the media. These systems are an unprecedented ...

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AI’s Hopes and Dreams are Christianity Repackaged

Formerly the Religion Editor for the Atlantic, Sigal Samuel now writes about the future of consciousness, artificial intelligence, and neuroscience, and ...

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Paying $100k a Year to Fight Aging

Medical clinics are popping up across the country promising to help clients live longer and better—so long as they can pay. Longevity clinics aim ...

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