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Sermon Illustrations about Remembrance

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Remembrance to help bring your sermon to life.

Archivists Work to Save Fading Videotapes

Mary Kidd and her colleagues meet every week in a loft in New York City with a clear mission—to digitize and preserve old VHS tapes. The loft has ...

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HSAM—a Medical Condition Where People Can Not Forget

While the Bible depicts forgetting mostly in dire terms related to apostasy, it also presents some instances when it is a blessing. There are some things ...

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Man with Amnesia Known through Community

When we have forgotten the past, the community helps us re-learn our own story. The case of "Benjamin Kyle" is instructive. In the early morning of August ...

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Teens Volunteer to Serve Those Who Die Alone

In January of 2016 NPR reported on a man named Mike Pojman, the assistant headmaster and senior adviser of Roxbury Latin Boys' School. Pojman was inspired ...

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Novelist Describes How We Forget Truth

In the novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Garcia Marquez, the author describes in his magical but realistic way a village suffering from an insomnia ...

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Statistics on Our Drop in Attention Span

According to the research of the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the average attention span has dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to just ...

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Prayer: Yes, There's an App for That Too

Prayer: Yes, There's an App for That Too New ID# 185151 A new smartphone app helps users deliver on all those "I'll be praying for you" ...

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Life-sized Dolls Illustrate Grief and Loss

We've all experienced the loss of loved ones. Family, friends, neighbors, valuable members of our community taken by death, or perhaps simply having ...

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Old Friends Can't Remember Last Restaurant

This is a story of 30-year-old friends who had a reunion and were discussing where they should go for dinner. Somebody suggested that they meet at the ...

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Man Finds His Stolen Car after a 40-Year Search

In 1970, while Bob Russell (not the same Bob Russell who served as minister of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville) was a graduate student at Temple ...

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