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Sermon Illustrations about Religion, non-Christian

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Religion, non-Christian to help bring your sermon to life.

Pluralism's Basic Premise is that All Religions are True

In his recent book, author Mark Clark wrote:

If you want to understand the dogma of religious pluralism, consider a scene from the comedy movie Talladega ...

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The Resurrection Makes Christianity the Most Irritating Religion on Earth

We should be more sympathetic to our skeptical friends. The resurrection makes Christianity the most irritating religion on the face of the earth, and ...

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The Six Blind Men and a Talking Elephant

Do you remember the famous story about the six blind men and the elephant? One blind man touches the belly of the animal and thinks it's a wall. Another ...

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Religious Leaders Discuss Whether Religions Can Co-exist

National Geographic: In God's Name is a 2007 documentary that explores the views of 12 prominent spiritual leaders. Topics include calling, the presence ...

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Jesus, the Only Solution

Robert Webber writes in Who Gets to Narrate the World?:

I was traveling on a plane from San Francisco to Los Angeles a few years ago. I was sitting next ...

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Deepak Chopra on the Dalai Lama

Sometimes the uniqueness of the revealed Word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ is seen most clearly when contrasted with other spiritual beliefs.

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Poll: What Is Your Current Religion?

A 2005 poll, conducted by Newsweek and Beliefnet, asked: "What is your current religion?"

Evangelical Protestant—33 percent Non-Evangelical Protestant—25 ...

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Book Reviewer Learns to Beware Spiritual Influences

While studying my way through a Ph.D program, I worked part time as the book review editor for a large website devoted to religion, spirituality, and ...

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Religious Tolerance

Roger Williams, who fled Massachusetts and founded Rhode Island colony in pursuit of religious liberty, writes in The Bloody Tenant of Persecution (1644): ...

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Pious Evil

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.

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