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Sermon Illustrations about Prayer, Persistence in

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Prayer, Persistence in to help bring your sermon to life.

A Pastor's Honest Prayer

In her book Holy the Firm, Annie Dillard writes of attending a small church with some 20 people:

The minister is a Congregationalist and wears a white ...

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Discouraged Preacher Hears from God

I had been preaching for more than two decades, and I should have been at the top of my game. The church I served ran up to 1,500 on Sunday mornings, ...

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Persevering Prayer for a Drug-Addicted Son

In Pray! magazine, Jennifer Kennedy Dean tells this story:

Several years ago, Mary (not her real name) came to me for prayer. She was desperate and afraid. ...

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Augustine's Mother's Prayer Answered

In his book Legacy of Sovereign Joy, John Piper writes:

At the age of 16 in the year 371, Augustine sneaked away from his mother in Carthage. During the ...

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The Prayer Train

Our prayers lay the track down on which God's power can come. Like a mighty locomotive, his power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without ...

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The 1,000th Prayer

I cannot tell you why a prayer that has been prayed for ten years is answered on the 1,000th request when God has met the first 999 with silence.

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The Discipline of Prayer

The paradox of prayer is that it asks for a serious effort while it can only be received as a gift. We cannot plan, organize or manipulate God; but without ...

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Praying the Ten Commandments

In "A Simple Way to Pray" (1535), Martin Luther writes:

If I have had time and opportunity to go through the Lord's Prayer, I do the same ...

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Taking Advantage of the Floor

When life knocks you to your knees--well, that's the best position in which to pray, isn't it?

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