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Sermon Illustrations about Popularity

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Popularity to help bring your sermon to life.

Truth on the Block

The supplanting of sound values by the world's methods of popularity and success may be clouding the influence of the Bible upon our writing. This ...

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The Goal of Every Individual

How do I want to be remembered? Not primarily as a Christian scholar, but rather as a loving person. This can be the goal of every individual.

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Popularity Doesn't Make It Right

Never confuse the will of the majority with the will of God.

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Being Offensive for Christ

We don't want to be personally or institutionally offensive, but we cannot buffer the offense of the cross.

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Truly Caring for People

To truly care for people requires not caring too much about their approval or disapproval.

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Purpose or Notoriety

Two centuries ago, when a great man appeared, people looked for God's purpose in him. Today we look for his press agent.

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Minding Our Own Business

We might have much peace, if we were of a mind not to concern ourselves with what others say and do, and which is none of our business. How can he long ...

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Sin's Deception

When John Belushi died in the spring of 1983 of an overdose of cocaine and heroin, a variety of articles appeared, including one in U.S. News and World ...

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