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Sermon Illustrations about Play

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Play to help bring your sermon to life.

Astonishing Video Gaming Statistics

The gaming industry, valued at around 257 billion US dollars as of 2024, is on a winning streak. As the pandemic ceased, the competition among gaming ...

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Retirees Need Purpose More Than Just Pickleball

“Now that you are retired, it’s time to play pickleball all day, every day.”

That’s the message from the front of a retirement ...

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The Addictive Nature of Online Gaming

In 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially recognized "internet gaming disorder" (IGD). Addicts play pathologically. They can't ...

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Creation Wired to Play

Author Lyall Watson, writing about the culture and habits of pigs, concludes that when young pigs play it is voluntary, random, and stimulated by novelty. ...

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The Average American Baby Watches Nearly 3 Hours of TV Daily

Children are spending more time than ever in front of a screen, and it doesn't necessarily bode well for their futures. In 1997, babies and toddlers ...

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Video Gamers Looking For Meaning, Order and Certainty

The numbers for the $100 billion video game industry are astonishing:

  • 155 million Americans play video games.
  • 40% play a minimum of 3 hours per week.
  • At least 34 million play about 22 hours per week.

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Doctors Diagnose 'Hurry Sickness'

Half a century ago, an upholsterer from San Francisco made a curious discovery. He was called to a cardiologist's office to reupholster some chairs in ...

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The Untapped Power of Smiling

We're actually born smiling. 3-D ultrasound technology now shows that developing babies appear to smile even in the womb. After they're born, babies continue ...

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Study Shows Cell Phone Separation Anxiety

Researchers from the University of Missouri wanted to know how subjects behaved when parted from their iPhones, so they recruited 208 students for a survey ...

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Our Overwork Has a Steep Price Tag

Americans are working longer weeks than ever. The Center for American Progress reports that 86 percent of men and 67 percent of women now work more than ...

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