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Sermon Illustrations about Plans

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Plans to help bring your sermon to life.

Planning to be Fruitful

My garden has taught me to think ahead. For it to be fruitful, I must plan. I must build soil, plant, and nurture what I have planted. It has also taught ...

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Rousing the Lethargic Church

The church, if it expects to rouse from lethargy, must know why it exists and what God expects it to accomplish.

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Preparing for Lasting Work

A lasting work requires extensive preparation.

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God's Initiative

God must reserve for Himself the right of the initiative, the right to break into my life without question or explanation. That shattering phone call, ...

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A Light Unto My Path

As I came home from church one evening, I was struggling to recognize God's guidance for my life. Suddenly, I drove into dense fog and could see nothing. ...

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