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Sermon Illustrations about Physical hunger

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Physical hunger to help bring your sermon to life.

Fasting as a Spiritual Discipline

John Piper writes: “My own serious consideration of fasting as a spiritual discipline began as a result of visiting Dr. Joon Gon Kim in Seoul, Korea. ...

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Pastor Starts Movement to Literally Feed the Flock

When Rev. Heber Brown III started noticing a particular need trending in his church, he did what pastors do – he found a way to spearhead a solution. ...

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Starch Recognized as Sixth Primary Taste

Conventional wisdom surrounding the function of taste buds focuses on five essential types of flavor sensations: sweet, salty, savory, sour and bitter. ...

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On Not Getting Used To Poverty

Dr. Robertson McQuilkin of Columbia International University tells a story about visiting his son in India. His son was working and living in the slums ...

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Statistics on How Often We Eat and Diet

According to the USDA, between ages twenty and fifty the average person spends about 28,000 hours eating—over 1160 days. Our daily schedules are ...

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The Power and Purpose of Fasting

Fasting makes me vulnerable and reminds me of my frailty. It reminds me to remember that if I am not fed I will die … Standing before God hungry, ...

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The World's Most Expensive Meals

A chart on the Daily Infographic website offers the following list called "The World's Most Expensive Meals":

  • At the Fijimake Gekijyo restaurant in Tokyo you can get a bowl of Ramen for $110.

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Reasons for Image Obsession Among Girls

In an article for Psychology Today magazine, Hara Marano writes about the constant pressure girls face concerning their image. Deprived of an internal ...

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Friends Can Cause Obesity

The New England Journal of Medicine recently exposed another factor that contributes to obesity: a person's circle of friends. Statistics say it isn't ...

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Bono on Compassion

U2 singer Bono, in a private meeting in June 2001 on the Hill in Washington, D.C., said this about helping the needy of the world:

What will really wake ...

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