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Sermon Illustrations about Persecution

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Persecution to help bring your sermon to life.

Lithuanian Christian Radiates Christ's Love in Siberia

Nijole Sadunaite is a Lithuanian Christian who was severely persecuted for her faith under Communism. Arrested in 1974 for publishing underground reports ...

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Seven Questions for New Converts in an Asian Country

Asian Access (or A2), a Christian missions agency in South Asia, listed a series of questions that some church planters have been asking new believers ...

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Persecuted Christians Feel Abandoned By American Churches

Congressman Frank Wolf, a committed Christian from Virginia, has been an outspoken advocate for international human rights for the past 30 years. After ...

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Muslim Man Considers the Cost of Following Christ

Haddon Robbinson writes:

Several years ago, I helped lead a tour in Turkey of the churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation. On the last night, we ...

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Christian Actor and Director Declines a Sordid Role

Ken Wales, an award-winning TV and film producer, started his Hollywood career as an actor. But early in his career Wales chose to turn down a significant ...

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Persecuted Christians in Pakistan Love Their Enemies

The Christians in Pakistan comprise only 2.5 percent of the total population, a mere "fly on the wall" in this officially Islamic nation. (Ninety-seven ...

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Prayer Miraculously Saves an African Christian Leader

In 2011 there was a gathering of world Christian leaders from 200 countries. One of the speakers was the Anglican archbishop of Jos, Nigeria. His name ...

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'Epistle to Diognetus' Describes the Lifestyle of Early Christians

An early Christian document known as the Epistle to Diognetus (c. A.D. 120-200) is believed to have been written by a man named Athenagoras. In one important ...

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Child Learns About Safety at the Zoo

A grandfather took his daughter and the grandchildren to visit the zoo. As they visited the orangutan exhibit the only thing separating us from these ...

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Cross Reveals the World We Have and the God We Have

Author Henri Nouwen tells the story of a family he knew in Paraguay. The father, a doctor, spoke out against the military regime there and its human rights ...

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