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Sermon Illustrations about Peer pressure

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Peer pressure to help bring your sermon to life.

NBA Players Resist the 'Granny Shot'

After his 15 year career in pro basketball, Rick Barry had hit a remarkable 89.9% of his shots from the free throw line. But Barry also had one of the ...

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NFL Refs Swayed by Crowd Pressure

Football referees are unbiased, right? They would never be influenced by fans or football players, right? Well, according to a recent study football refs ...

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Oregon Owl Preys Upon Government Officials

Oregon state officials have confirmed reports of several recent attacks on government workers outside its state capitol building, but have not recorded ...

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T.S. Eliot's Conversion Met with Disgust

In 1927, the famous English poet and essayist T.S. Eliot became a Christian and was baptized and confirmed. Prior to his conversion, Eliot belonged to ...

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Driver Follows the Wrong Speed

Retired minister and author Bob Russell told the following account to illustrate how Christians today often go along with the moral pace of those around ...

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Pet Rock Inventor Regrets Invention

In the mid-'70s, an unknown editor named Gary Dahl was talking with his friends, who were complaining about all the work involved in caring for pets—feeding ...

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An Imaginary Talk with God about People-pleasing

Think about this the next time you feel pressure to please someone or to please a group of people rather than trying to fear and please God. Picture yourself ...

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Media Images Propel Women into Body Hatred

The average woman in America sees about 3,000 ads each day—many of which send messages about what the "ideal" female body should look like. But ...

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Teenager Is Addicted to Social Media

An article in The Atlantic shared an interview with a 14-year-old girl from New Jersey named Casey. Casey got her first computer (a toy) when she was ...

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Market Researcher Explains the Lure of Peer Pressure

Martin Lindstrom, a former market research expert and author of Brandwashed, argues that advertisers know something that human beings have in common with ...

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