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Sermon Illustrations about Nations

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Nations to help bring your sermon to life.

Most Christians Need a Global Perspective

A pocket-sized book sits on my bookshelf. The cover promises that it contains a "compact guide to the Christian life." But when I scan the pages, ...

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Easter in Pakistan

While serving in Peshawar, Pakistan, for the Institute for Global Engagement, an organization that promotes sustainable environments for religious freedom ...

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Missions Trip Transforms Hospital

In her book Radical Gratitude, Ellen Vaughn tells the story of a family friend named Jerry:

Some years ago Jerry was in Russia on a short visit with Prison ...

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Our Hope Is Not in Politics

Many Christians, like most of the populace, believe the political structures can cure all our ills. The fact is, however, that government, by its very ...

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An Upside-Down World

With the growth of the multinational church, mission is becoming multidirectional. The U.S. remains the largest single contributor of Protestant cross-cultural ...

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A Lesson in Conservation

I grew up in the mountains of South India. My parents were missionaries to the tribal people of the hills, and our lives were about as simple as they ...

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The Suffering of God

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright shares this brief moment she shared with Holocaust survivor and author, ElieWiesel:

Not long after September ...

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A Church to Move the World

"We do not want, as the newspapers say, a church that will move with the world. We want a church that will move the world."

—G. K. Chesterton

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Prayer as Public Service

Prayer is political action. Prayer is social energy. Prayer is public good. Far more of our nation's life is shaped by prayer than is formed by legislation. ...

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Scholar Awed by African Tribal Creed

As a capstone to his lifelong interest in the central texts of the Christian faith, Jaroslav Pelikan edited (with Valerie Hotchkiss) what could only be ...

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