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Sermon Illustrations about Murmuring

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Murmuring to help bring your sermon to life.

Sanctified Griping

God must think it's okay for us to gripe--there are more lament psalms than any other kind in the Old Testament.

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Cynic's Intercession

"Lord, I lay before you the prayer concerns voiced this morning ... even though most of 'em sound like whining to me."

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The Gift of Grumbling

A heavy wagon was being dragged along a country lane by a team of oxen. The axles groaned and creaked terribly, when the oxen turning around thus addressed ...

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The Wrong Medicine

It is so much easier to fix blame than to fix problems.

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Flippancy Is No Joke

Flippancy is the best [kind of joke] of all. In the first place it is very economical. Only a clever human can make a real joke about virtue, or indeed ...

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A Simple "No" Would Suffice

"Officially, the results of the vote are forty 'yes,' seven 'no,' and one 'over my dead body.' "

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The Problem with Grumblers

Grumblers seldom take their issue directly to those who can resolve it.

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