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Sermon Illustrations about Ministry

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Ministry to help bring your sermon to life.

God Uses the Young but Saves His Best Work for the Mature

Os Guinness argues that God can use and has used people in their youth, but God also has accomplished some of his best work through people more advanced ...

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Comedian Told to 'Embrace Bombing' to Get Better

The NPR radio show "This American Life" featured a story about a French comedian named Gad Elmaleh, probably the most famous stand-up comedian in France. ...

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The Old Preacher's 67,600 Pages of Sermons

In Marilynne Robinson's beautiful novel Gilead, the old preacher John Ames starts digging through a box of sermons in his attic. One day he figures ...

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Church Starts a Subway Franchise to Provide Jobs

A church in Buffalo, New York has found a unique way to bless its local community—open a Subway franchise in its building. In a riff off the popular ...

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Soccer Goalies Take Responsibility for Their 'Box'

When all three of my (Matt Woodley) boys started playing soccer I had to quickly learn the rules—like what is off sides, and what's a handball, ...

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A Laser—the Power of Unified Light

In 1957 a graduate student at Columbia University named Gordon Gould had been working with "pumping" atoms to higher energy states so they would emit ...

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Largest Lego Model Took Vision and Teamwork

The newest addition to the grand list of Coolest Things Ever was first unveiled in New York City in 2013: the Lego X-Wing, the largest Lego model ever ...

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Modern-Day Missionary at McDonald's

Global missions expert Paul Borthwick shared the following story to remind us how God's mission can be from anyone anywhere at any time:

A young man named ...

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Athletes and Leaders Need a Strong Core

In working with thousands of leaders over many years, I have observed that they rarely fail because of lack of competence. Clearly competence is necessary, ...

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Einstein's Dream Led to His Brilliance

In 1905 Albert Einstein stunned the world with his revolutionary equation, E = mc2. Einstein wrote hundreds of papers over the course of his career. But ...

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