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Sermon Illustrations about Mentor

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Mentor to help bring your sermon to life.

Memorized Psalm Helps 56 Years Later

In the fall of 1956, I began my final year at the Stony Brook School, then a boys' college preparatory school in New York. Among the required courses ...

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Stradivari Taught Others through "Elbow Learning"

In the late 1600s and early 1700s a half-literate Italian craftsman named Antonio Stradivari designed and made a series of beautiful musical instruments. ...

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Encouragement Changed the Life of 'Maestro of Lighting'

"He made drinks sparkle, desserts shimmer, and Richard M. Nixon look less shadowy—all with meticulous tricks of lights." So begins an obituary for ...

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Leaving Children Alone in a Chemistry Lab

Leaving children to discover their own values is a little like putting them in a chemistry lab full of volatile substances and saying, "Discover your ...

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Survey Identifies Role Models for Men

AskMen.com, the largest men's lifestyle website in the world, surveyed over 2,000 men and asked them: "Who do you consider your role model?" The survey ...

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Research Shows that Teens Need Their Dad's Time

A study from Penn State researchers published in the journal Child Development tracked nearly 200 families over a seven year period. Not surprisingly, ...

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Son with Disabilities Says, "Dad, You're My Hero"

In Albuquerque, New Mexico, there's a restaurant called Tim's Place. It's named after Tim Harris, a young man with Down syndrome who started the business ...

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Judge Cites Himself for Contempt of Court

A Michigan judge handed down an unusual ruling. Judge Raymond Voet has a clearly posted policy in his courtroom that electronic devices causing a disturbance ...

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Inside the Minds and Hearts of Gang Members

According to the Los Angeles Police Department, there are more than 450 active gangs in L.A. with at least 45,000 members. Many have been operating for ...

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Cape Buffaloes Unite to Save Baby Buffalo

A popular YouTube clip titled "Battle at Kruger" pictures the importance of Christian unity. The clip shows four lions pounce on three Cape buffalo as ...

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