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Sermon Illustrations about Materialism

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Materialism to help bring your sermon to life.

Having Money Increases ‘Mean’ Behavior

Paul Piff, a professor at University of California, Irvine, studies how money influences humans' relationships with one another. His striking conclusion ...

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Depression Is Often the Fast Lane to Self-Destruction

The suicides that happen daily rarely make national news. But when a celebrity commits suicide, it's international news. It hits the headlines because, ...

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Is the Lottery a Good Gamble?

Researchers have determined that a person who drives 10 miles to buy a lottery ticket is three times more likely to be killed in a car accident while ...

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Study Finds the Rich Are Still Not Satisfied

In 2018, Harvard Business School undertook a first-of-it's-kind study of over 4000 millionaires in the United States asking them about how much money ...

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I Subscribe, Therefore I Am?

A journalist for the BBC named David Lee recently moved from America to London. Rather than haul his stuff, he said, “I’ve become one of life’s ...

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Tidying Wave Boon to Local Thrift Shops

Lifestyle consultant Marie Kondo has become a bona fide sensation. Through her 2011 bestseller The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and her recently ...

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‘If . . . Then I’ll Be Happy!’

Psychologists tell us that our brains tend to miss-predict what will actually bring us happiness. We assume that if we achieve certain things in our life, ...

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The Madness of Christmas Toys

In 1983 the Cabbage Patch Kid was the mysterious “it toy,” selling over 100 million to date. Most veterans of the great Cabbage Patch Conflict ...

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Comedian Russell Brand’s Fear of Atheism

On an episode of the podcast Under the Skin with Russell Brand, actor and comedian Russell Brand explained his fear of atheism:

My fear of atheism is, ...

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The Deadly Social Media Sin of ‘Comparisonitis’

Envy: According to Moya Sarner at The Guardian this deadly sin is more present in our everyday lives than ever before, thanks to social media. ... She ...

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