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Sermon Illustrations about Lostness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Lostness to help bring your sermon to life.

Man Drifts at Sea for Three Months

On a warm Southern California day in June 2002, Richard Van Pham set out in his 26-foot sailboat from Long Beach harbor for a three-hour adventure to ...

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Secret Santa Looks for the Lost

A businessman from Kansas City has been dubbed "Secret Santa" because he anonymously hands out cash every Christmas to those in need. Each year, ...

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Why to Seek the Lost

On July 4, 1854, Charlie Peace, a well-known criminal in London, was hung. The Anglican Church, which had a ceremony for everything, even had a ceremony ...

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Novelist Douglas Coupland Confesses Need for God

Douglas Coupland is the postmodern literary icon who coined the term Generation X with his novel by that name. He grew up secular, but in one of his books ...

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Save the Lamb to Save the Ram

Several years ago we were kneeling on cushions around a long, low dining table in a private hotel suite in Japan. The air was seasoned with celery and ...

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God Weeps for the Lost

A Hasidic story tells of a great celebration in heaven after the Israelites are delivered from the Egyptians at the Red Sea, and the Egyptian armies are ...

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A Father's Love

In Surprised by Children, Harold Myra writes:

One afternoon my older brother Johnny and I were walking home from school when we suddenly found ourselves ...

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Child Summarizes Sinfulness

I was sitting at my desk in my study after having scolded my 4-year-old daughter for misbehaving. I heard a gentle knock on the door. "Come in," ...

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Unknown Peril in Culture

In Into Thin Air, Jon Krakauer tells of his harrowing experience climbing Mt. Everest. On May 10, 1996, Krakauer made it to the top. He paused only for ...

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Our Ramp to God

In Love Found a Way, Ron Mehl writes:

Whenever I drive to the east side of Portland over the Marquam Bridge, I'm reminded of what it took for God to ...

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