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Sermon Illustrations about Loss

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Loss to help bring your sermon to life.

The Librarian in Your Brain Is Slowing Down

We may not want to admit it but author Arthur Brooks is convincing when he writes to the effect that age-related decline will come much sooner than we ...

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‘Loneliest Sheep’ Rescued After Two Years

Britain's so-called "loneliest sheep," which was stuck at the foot of a remote cliff in Scotland for at least two years, has been rescued. ...

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Broken Heart Syndrome Is Real

A mere generation ago, “heartbreak” was an overused literary metaphor but not an actual medical event. The first person to recognize it as ...

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The Human Cost of the Sports-Betting Boom

The Supreme Court overturned the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act in 2018, quickly resulting in 38 states plus Wahsington D.C. jumping at ...

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40% of Bettors Have Never Been in a Casino

Is a trip to Las Vegas becoming a thing of the past? A recent survey finds 4 in 10 gamblers have never actually set foot in a casino. A spokesperson for ...

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40% of Evangelicals Say the Dead Have Visited Them

In the summer of 2023, Heather Beville felt something she hadn’t in a long time: a hug from her sister Jessica, who died at age 30 from cancer. ...

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Family Forgives Murderer at Sentencing

Jeremy Goodale and Willard Miller were recently convicted for the killing of Fairfield teacher Nohema Graber. Goodale told investigators that Miller was ...

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Neighbors Decorate House for Grieving Kids

"My husband Jerry was a ginormous presence. Such a happy guy," said his wife, Lori Belum. "He did everything for us. And he just loved ...

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Why Being Ghosted Hurts

We all have an ongoing fear of being ghosted. Ghosting is now so common that it was added in February of 2017 to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. It describes ...

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NASA Orbiter Exploded Based on Wrong Assumption

On December 11, 1998, NASA launched the Mars Climate Orbiter. It was a highly advanced piece of technology that cost $327 million. The data it gathered ...

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