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Sermon Illustrations about Lifestyle

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Lifestyle to help bring your sermon to life.

We Become What We Worship

Ralph Waldo Emerson famously said, “What we are worshiping we are becoming.” In other words, our deities shape our identities. Let us call ...

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Tidying Wave Boon to Local Thrift Shops

Lifestyle consultant Marie Kondo has become a bona fide sensation. Through her 2011 bestseller The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and her recently ...

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Estate of Social Worker Leaves Millions to Charity

After Alan Naiman died of cancer at 63, he left most of his estate to a variety of charities serving children with various needs. This came as no surprise ...

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Technologists Have Decided ‘No Phones for Our Children’

The people who are closest to a thing are often the most wary of it. Technologists know how phones really work, and many have decided they don’t ...

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The Deadly Social Media Sin of ‘Comparisonitis’

Envy: According to Moya Sarner at The Guardian this deadly sin is more present in our everyday lives than ever before, thanks to social media. ... She ...

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Crossfit Is My Church

A 2012 Pew study tracked the rise of a new religious group: the “nones,” or the religiously unaffiliated. One-fifth of Americans—and ...

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We Are All Accumulating Mountains of Things

An article in The Atlantic titled, "We Are All Accumulating Mountains of Things" noted "how online shopping and cheap prices are turning ...

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While You Watch TV, Your TV is Watching You

Your social media accounts are tracking you. Now The New York Timesrecently released an exposÉ on the data mining techniques of another form of technology—smart ...

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British Defense Minister Interrupted by Siri

A British Parliamentarian recently yielded the floor to a most unexpected interloper: his new iPhone. British Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson's iPhone ...

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A Christian's Body is on Loan from God

To illustrate the truth that the Christian's body is no longer their own, pastor/author Ray Ortlund writes the following:

I try to drive carefully. But ...

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